Frequently asked questions.

  • Yes, we have s 24 hour drop off cooler available, instructions are available on the cooler.

  • Yes all deer need to be field dressed prior to drop off. Need help? Check out this instructional video.

  • No each deer we receive is individually processed. We guarantee the deer you bring us is the deer you get back.

  • This answer depends on several factors including size of the animal and the how much damage was done.

    On average you will receive around 30-35% of the field dressed weight.

    This means if a deer weighs 100 pounds you will get back 30-35 pounds of finished meat.

  • We proudly support this program and accept deep up through the start of rifle season or the first 200 deer we receive which ever comes first.

  • Once you have harvested your deer you must first fill out the back of your harvest log before moving the deer.

    If cell service is not available you may load your deer and move to where you can get service.

    Then call Telecheck (800-245-4263) or Online Telecheck through MyProfile application. You will then receive a 13 digit Confirmation Number which you will need to write on your Harvest Log.

  • KRS.150.025 If you hunt big game from outside of Kentucky, you may not bring any member of the deer (Cervidae) family which includes deer, caribou, moose, and elk, back into Kentucky unless the brain and spinal column have been removed.

    Because of these restriction we do not accept out of state animals.